Background information Impresariaat Kunsten
Impresariaat Kunsten is a separate foundation within Fontys Academy of the Arts (FAA). The foundation has no profit goal, but has been instructed by FAA to cover its costs. In practice this means that the customers’ price is made up of a fee for the artist, organizational costs for the foundation and a contribution for talent development.
The foundation consists of two outsourced employees of FAA and has a three-member board consisting of: René Bosman (Chairman), Jeroen van Kooten ( CFO), Jur van der Lecq (Board Member).
Impresariaat Kunsten wants to build a bridge to the working field with which the (former) students can further develop their cultural entrepreneurship during their studies. In this way Impresariaat Kunsten invests together with FAA and its clients in the talent development of both students and alumni of FAA.
The students and alumni can come to Impresariaat Kunsten for:
Gaining stage and presentation experience through a paid assignment.
Profiling in the professional field
Building a network
Financial advice
Click on the picture below to which employees make up the team >