All about Impresariaat Kunsten • Impresariaat Kunsten

All about Impresariaat Kunsten

At this page you can find everything you need to know about Impresariaat Kunsten.
You will find the background information and you're able to sign up right away.

Impresariaat Kunsten is there for you, the talented students/alumni of Fontys Academy for the Arts, and mediates between you and (potential) clients. We want a student/alumni registered with us to develop as best as possible as a cultural entrepreneur. You can contact us for the following:

  • Gaining stage and presentation experience through a paid assignment
  • Profiling in the professional field
  • Building a network
  • Financial advice

The assignments vary a lot. It could be writing a song, giving a classical concert, creating a personal work of art, peforming a dance piece as the opening of an event, using street theater as the connecting factor at a festival and so on. To get an idea of the assignments you can take a look at our Instagram page. After registration, we are happy to invite you for an interview, in which you can indicate what kind of assignments suit you best.

For more information, click on the information boxes below.
You can find more information about how to declare a fee on the portal